le haricot
Wednesday, May 25, 2005
Read about today's image at Photo du Jour (below)
The next word goes out Monday. A bientôt! Kristin
un haricot (ah-ree-ko) noun, masculine
1. bean
[From Old French, harigoter, "to cut into pieces"]
le haricot rouge = red kidney bean
le haricot vert = green bean
le haricot beurre = yellow French bean, wax bean
le haricot sec = dry bean
le haricot de mouton = lamb and bean stew
C'est la fin des haricots! = It's all over!
des haricots = nothing at all or a very small amount
courir sur le haricot (to run on someone's bean) = to importune; to get on someone's nerves
Haricot par haricot se remplit le sac.
Bean by bean, the sack fills up.
A Day in a French Life...
(The story that originally appeared here, with the French vocabulary (below) is now a part of this book.)
*References: à deux pas (de) = a few steps (from); il est beau = he is handsome; gentil(le) = nice; le souper (m) = dinner; capeesh = American slang for the Italian "capisci?" (understand?); comme ça = like this; le sou (m) = money; le séjour (m) = stay; le bonbon (m) = candy; tchatcher = to yack; un après-midi (m) = an afternoon.
Photo du Jour
In summertime, once a week or so, we head twenty minutes south to this seaside escape in St-Aygulf. We pack a picnic and some fishing poles and spend a quiet morning inhaling salty air. In this snapshot: my daughter Jackie (last year).
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For more online reading: The Lost Gardens: A Story of Two Vineyards and a Sobriety