chien perdu


Our girls.

No French "word" today (in the traditional sense...), just great thanks, or remerciements.

Following the heartfelt responses that my family continues to receive, in response to yesterday's journal entry about our lost dog, I could not bear to leave you hanging on until tomorrow for the rest of the story. 

For all of you who have written in asking for an immediate update, here is a big hint: the photo, above, was taken yesterday afternoon. The girl in the photo is our daughter, Jackie, and the paw she is holding issues from a slightly limping leg -- but a leg all the same!

Oh, how we love this leg and its lusty, loitering, Lolita at the other end! Never, dear girl, NEVER put us through this roller-coater lost-dog ride again!

*     *     *

Please check back tomorrow, when I will tell you the rest of the story (as well as give you an update about saviour Sam... or "Sam The Man"! (Oh yes! He is our "man", that Sam!) Meantime, thank you for your touching témoinages. I hope they have touched and given hope to others as they have us.

Kristin & Jean-Marc


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Hurrah! I knew it! Our thoughts were with you and your family and I just thought about two dogs very much in love wandering off together but was sure they would return, even in Marseilles. Great one, please give us the full story soon.
So happy for you.
Warm regards from Ingrid & Edward
Berlin, Germany


Alls well that ends well! What an adorable photo of your two gals!


God bless you and Braise! SO GLAD that all is well. We love our babies so much and life is just not right without them. BIG HUGS, Cerelle

Christine Jackson

Oh Joy!!!!!! So happy to hear the FANTASTIC news - have been checking back every hour or so the last day for an update as I have hardly been able to think of anything else for the past day. And BOTH of your girls are beautiful! I'm so happy for you, your family and Braise! Take care


I know the feeling. Definitely the highs and lows in love... such an empty feeling when you 'lose' a friend but then such a fulfilling feeling when "miraculously" they are returned.... can't hug them enough... right?

Phyllis Morton

Thanks to the fates, whomever you believe in. I am so relieved!


PS LOVE the photo in the lavender. I have been cutting mine just this morning, and your lovely Jackie and a very happy Braise make it just perfect!


What a relief!


oh thank goodness...I am choking back the happy tears (cause I am at work and they'll think I'm loony)!

Both girls look lovely in the lavender...there is a price to pay for having lovely girls, but worth it :-)

Alli Denning

I am so happy and relieved for you!!! What a beautiful picture - Braise and Jackie!


Love the picture of your two girls!
And what a relief to know Braise & Sam -the man- are back. I have been checking back so many times for the last update that now I thank you for letting us know they are back and safe.


Lisa Kennedy

Yay! The relief you must feel. Thanks so much for letting us know the good news. Looking forward to reading the details of Braise's adventure (the ones she shares with you of course).
Best wishes,
Montclair, New Jersey

Lisa Kiely

Oh Yay!!!!! Great News. I'm sure Braise is feeling so grateful to be home. Thank you for the update. Looking forward to seeing you next week.

Anne - Music and Markets

Thrilled to hear this, and looking forward to the full story.
Thank you Lord!

Noreen C.

Quel bonheur! J'adore la photo!

Candice in NY

Welcome home Braise!!!
We're all so happy, and your family, I'm sure is crying tears of joy!

So glad that this story has a happy ending.

What a beautiful photo of two beauties!

Anne Pitkin

What terrific news! We recently went through a similar "year of magical thinking"night with our cat...the knot in the stomach, the lump in the throat, the thumping, pounding heart, the "if onlys" ....And like Braise, out cat returned filthy but safe and sound. The best part will be reliving the memory of the moment when you first found Braise (or vice versa)and knowing that all is well and good:)

Michael Armstrong

OH, that's great! Thank you very much for sending the update today. I know we've all been thinking about your family and the anxiety you would be feeling and now how welcome the relief.


Wonderful that Blaise's honeymoon has ended with her happy homecoming -- she looks ecstatic! Can you all feel the huge rippling waves of relief around our planet as the news spreads among your cyber-family?
We are so glad for you!


Aren't positively answered prayers a great thing?? Cograts.


Whew!! What a relief. Thank you so much for the update; I was nearing despair! "Sam-I-Am" is most certainly entitled to green eggs and ham. As for the lovely Braise, I would imagine you will give her ANYTHING she wants :-)

Laury Bourgeois

Hoo-Haa!Laury, Dali and our Sammie Cat


The French Word of the Day is "retrouver" n'est pas?!!! Thanks for the update, Kristin. She is one lucky girl! Can't wait for the rest of the story.


Wonderful news!!! So glad she made it back home...

Natalie Branchini

Grace a Dieu!

I was afraid to look when I saw the same title as yesterday. Grace a Dieu!

Nicole Bourgeois

I love the expression on Braise's face.
"What? I just went on a little adventure!"
Lucky girl...

Mike and Linda Davies

Wow! What a relief and blessing! I am so glad to see your WHOLE family reunited! Happy, happy day!

Pat Cargill

All is well! Welcome home Blaise and thanks be for her safe return and for letting us know right away. Lovely picture of the girls behind the lavender...quel beautiful frame for two beautiful ones.

I sat Maxine down and had a long talk with her about the stress and strain when she slips out. About the heart-wrenching nerves that jingle-jangle until she is discovered. She told ME, well lovey Master, then you must make sure you do not leave the alley gate cracked, even for a moment, while you take the garbage out...for I am so very curious about the big world...

In my case je suis le problem! Happy times, chez Espinasse!

Nan Morrissette

Praise God from whom all blessings flow! Not to mention that tonight I can get some sleep! So very happy for all of you. (PS. I live four houses away from your friend Charles McGrath and his Martha. They are dear and wonderful friends.) Hooray for all dogs!!!


Whew!! Thanks so much for letting us know the happy ending today.


Oh thank God! Thank God! I'm so happy and relived for you, your family and the naughty naughty adventuress Braise! If only she could talk to tell of where she's been. She looks quite pleased with herself; it is hilarious. It's so strange as I don't know you but you know, I feel that I do, as I'm sure all of your readers do, and I was so heartsick over this that I lay awake last night picturing a halo of protection around your girl, as wacky as that sounds. Right now I'm taking care of my mom at home with the help of a hospice (final days) and this news has raised my spirits so much that I'm crying my eyes out, happy tears instead of sad. I'm so happy for you, so so happy. All is well!


Violet: courage and a hug to you & your Mom. And thank you--thanks everyone--for your words!

Nan: please tell Charles & Martha "bonjour"!

Natalie: re the same blog title. I sometimes forget to update my listserver (I have to go over to another site, each time I post, to update the title of the emailed version. The title to today's post should have been "Remerciement" or, as another friend or two said "Chien trouve" or "Chienne trouvée"!

Merci encore, heartfelt remerciements, for your caring words.

Jeanette Locker

I had this good feeling (can't explain it) that you would get Braise back. I kept checking about every 2 hours, and I teared up when I saw that beautiful picture - it is the next best thing to being there and giving the two of them hugs. Can't wait to hear the story. Love, Jeanette


I am a novelist, and never, EVER write when I don't have to, but I've been loitering here for some time and this story -- with it's happy ending -- so moved me, I had to write and say congratulations! Know silent lurkers have been at the edge of their seats with bated breath, and feel relief and joy for you and your family, and your well loved dog, all the way over in Provence...
Best wishes, from Merry in Virginia


Astounding. I can't wait to hear the story.

mickey johnson

Yippee!!! great to see both girls smiling and one who will mend soon! xo, mickey


What a welcome photo! You all mean so much to us. Larmes de soulagement et de joie!!!!


Kristin and Jean-Marc
I am so happy that your family is whole again. I can hardly wait for tomorrow's posting

Christine Dashper

Dear Kristin, Jean-Marc, Jackie and Max

Yippee!!! I can't tell you how happy I am for you all. That is such fantastic news. You were on my mind all day yesterday, the rest of my family says 'Yippee!' as well.

warmest wishes


Ouf, ouf, ouf! Woof, woof woof!

P.S. Love the picture of Braise with your daughter Jackie. She looks like she's happy to be back.


Whew, what a relief. I'm looking forward to getting the details of Braise and Sam's Tour de Marseilles. Our prayers were answered and Braise and Sam are home and safe!

Shandy Burton

That's great news -- I'm so glad you found her!!! Cute picture :-)



Robyn Daniels

So happy for you and the family, and of course Braise, to hear of her safe return. Love Robyn xx


Yay! Basically, what everyone else has said - me, too! I'm SO happy and relieved for you all.

And I wanted to thank you, Kristin - MERCI! - for creating this beautiful, world wide community of such wonderful people!


This brings back memories of when our daughter's beloved Loki became lost on the college campus. We weren't surprised to learn he'd been found at the pub on the edge of campus, hanging out, loving all the attention. When I remember thinking I would have to sedate my daughter for the night if we hadn't found him, I can only begin to imagine your fear and grief. So happy she's home, your family is intact again and all is well.


I think we all have children/doggie/adult stories..
I love a book with a Happy Ending!!
Beautiful Photo!!!!


Just caught up with the epic and sad story. Your search for Blaise was SO poignant! I could feel all the desperation, frustration and anxiety of the situation!

Re- "Chien perdu" title for this newsletter... Oh dear! I felt livid for a few seconds, expecting the worse... Incroyable "OUF de soulagement" when I read the first lines and what a joy when I saw the wonderful photo!

You and your family must have been SO happy "au moment des retrouvailles". All of us are sharing your joy. What a fantastic feeling!

Frustration for me as I am leaving in a few minutes (yes, the Southbourne project) and won't be able to read the rest of the story until Thursday evening ... I am already imagining all sorts of "explanations" --> "le collier de Braise peut-être? et bien sûr, le brave Sam! mais.... comment? où? et quand fut-il retrouvé? et cette patte... que s'est-il passé exactement?"

Beaucoup de bisous. Oooooh, Blaise!!!

Simonette (from Michigan,USA)

I am so happy to read the good news as we too are blessed to own a golden retriever, the 4th one in our lives. Our "Breezy" lights up our lives, as did his predecessors, "Sunny", "Ladd", and "Prince".
This is my first entry, as I prefer to remain silent. But I felt the need to express my absolute joy after sharing in your family's profound sadness, just a moment ago. Merci beaucoup for the update!


Can't wait to see what the babies look like!

Evelyn Jackson

Big sigh of relief...the wayward kids are home! I am so touched by the support your family has received from the cyber-community! and how lovingly you've supported one anotehr.


oh Good Lord, I got tears in my eyes as soon as I saw the picture. I'm so happy to hear that your dog has returned and all is well. Thank you for updating us.


My French is not very good yet, but when I saw the title "chien perdu" I knew exactly what it meant. I sent up prayers that the story would have a happy ending. My own chien, Millie, wandered off last month for the first time in ten years. I was frantic for those 20 minutes until an SUV pulled up beside me, my baby sitting like a queen in the back seat. Thank heavens for her collar and tags. I don't know how you even managed to write out the tale for us in any comprehensive way with worry foremost in your mind. I'm so glad you had a happy ending.

Susan Strick

ooh, what a relief!!!!! coincidentally, my husband and i spent yesterday on a golden-retriever retrieval ourselves-- our daughter's destined puppy from a breeder was the one of 6 in the litter who did not survive his birth, and she being the last to sign on for one of the puppies, was the person who was left puppyless. amazingly, she turned up a 9-week-old golden boy at a different breeder who was unclaimed perhaps because he was not as cute and not show-dog material, being a bit over-sized and "chunky" in shape. needless to say, he is perfect! we drove into canada 5 hours each way to pick him up; kira could not go along because her passport had not yet arrived....

Inger D

Hi Kristin -
I am so very happy for you that you've re-found Braise. I echo an earlier comment that so many of us have been there, and really felt for you as you went through looking for her - or them!

As an advocate for animal adoption, though, I hope you don't mind that I put in my $.02 (which is the merest fraction of a Euro!) to please consider adoption before breeding (I know: "too late now"! ;) )- there are so many homeless pets that are put to sleep for no reason except that they have no place else to go.

Hope I don't sound preachy. I am very happy for you and your friend that you found your beloved animals and they are safe at home.

Best regards, as always,

Inger D

Oh PS -
BEAUTIFUL picture, comme d'habitude!!

La voisine

Jackie est de plus en plus jolie, je suis contente que Braise ait été retrouvée. Gros bisous.

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