faire du leche-vitrines
Se battre, Freedom of Speech and Je suis Charlie

logé, nourri, blanchi & Max is coming to Portland!

When he was 9

Housed, fed, and bleached. Our son, Max, is looking for two of those things in Portland, Oregon. For the third, let's see if he can find a better translation  in today's story, which he wrote in French and in English. (Photo taken 10 years ago, when Max was 9... and already helping us care for our vines.)


"logé, nourri, blanchi"

    : housed, fed, and laundered

Note: you often hear this expression in a sarcastic way (where one person's doing all the work while another has got it made in the shade). Have any more thoughts about this expression? Share here in the comments. 

AUDIO FILE: Listen to Jean-Marc read Max's sentence (taken from today's story): 
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Mais je ne pense pas que ce soit à la portée de tous d’avoir un gosse français de 19 ans qui doit être logé, nourri et blanchi pendant deux mois.

But I don't think it's possible for everyone to have a 19 year old kid who needs room, bord, and laundry to be done!



(Today's story is written in French and English by my son Max. Enjoy! The English translation follows, below.)

Salut tout le monde, comment vous vous sentez aujourd’hui ?

Je suis Maxime le fils de Kristi !

Je me présente, j’ai dix-neuf ans et j’étudie le commerce à l’international à Aix en Provence où j’ai un petit studio de vingt m2. Pendant les vacances d’été (de début Juin à fin Juillet) je dois effectuer un stage pour me lancer un petit peu dans le monde du travail dans le domaine du commerce bien sur. J’ai trouvé ce stage à Portland, et oui quelqu’un a bien voulu me supporter pendant deux mois (ils ne savent pas dans quoi ils se lancent !). L’entreprise si courageuse s’appelle Smith Tea, c’est une entreprise qui fabrique et commercialise du thé, pour les amateurs de thé je vous conseille d’en goûter c’est de la très bonne qualité !

J’ai trouvé un stage c’est très bien, j’ai le billet d’avion en poche, c’est encore mieux mais où vais-je dormir, je ne sais pas ! D’accord j’ai fait l’armée mais je ne vais pas faire le « survivor » il faut bien que je dorme sous un toit. Mais je ne pense pas que ce soit à la portée de tous d’avoir un gosse français de 19 ans qui doit être logé, nourri et blanchi pendant deux mois. Surtout que je vais surement avoir de la visite, ma petite sœur va venir me voir, ma copine également qui va essayer de trouver un travail à Portland (si vous connaissez quelqu’un au passage !) donc il me faut un endroit ou je ne dérangerais personne et ou je puisse avoir un peu d’intimité, un petit studio de vingt-cinq – trente m2 ou plus bien évidemment serait l’idéal ! Comme je travaillerais ici, Northwest Thurman Street, Portland, on m’a recommandé de resté aux alentours de ces endroits là ; Inner Sud-Est (du 1er au 30e) Inner Nord-Est, Inner Nord-Ouest, ou Inner Sud-Ouest Portland. 

Voilà voilà, je vous serais très reconnaissant si vous me trouvez un petit endroit pour mon séjour, qui est loin d’être des vacances…

Bonne année à tous, meilleur vœux, la santé et tout ça tout ça…

PS : je n’aurais pas ma caisse, je serais donc à pied, donc le plus proche du métro/bus ou tramway (si ça existe à Portland) serait le mieux !

Maintenant que je vous ai écrit l’histoire, je vais la traduire… Ma mère ne corrigera pas les fautes ; on laissera comme ça.


Now that I wrote you the story of the day, I’m going to translate it. My mom will not correct the mistakes; we will leave it that way.

Hey everybody, how are you felling today?

I’m Max, Kristi’s son!

I introduce myself, I’m 19 year old and I study international marketing in Aix en Provence where I have a little studio of 20 square meters. During the summer vacation (from the beginning of June to the end of July) I have to do an internship to have a try in the business world in the domain of the marketing of course. I found this internship in Portland, yah someone accepted to support me for two months (they don’t know what they are up to!). The courageous company is named Smith Tea, it’s a company which produces and sells tea, and for the tea lovers I advise you to taste some, its real good quality!

I found an internship, good point, I have the airplane bill, even better but where will I sleep? I don’t know! Ok I went to the air force but I’m not a survivor I have to sleep underneath a roof! But I know that not anybody can have a 19year old French child who has to be fed, housed and laundered during two mouths. Especially that I would surely have some visit, my little sister will come and see me just and so will my French girlfriend who is trying to find some work in Portland (if you know someone by the way!) so I have to find a place where I will not bother anyone and have a little bit of privacy, a little guesthouse of 25-30 square meters would be perfect! Because I’m going to work there, Northwest Thurman Street, Portland, we recommended me to stay around these places, Inner SE (from 1st. to 30th) Inner NE, Inner NW or Inner SW Portland.

Well that’s all, I would be very grateful if you can find me a little place to stay for my trip, which is far from being some vacation..

Happy New Year everybody, best wishes, health and all that go with it…

PS: I’ll have no car, so I will only have my legs, so closer it is to the subway/bus or tramway (if it exists in Portland) the better!


If you enjoyed Max's bilingual letter, let him know here in the comment box. And thanks for your understanding regarding any grammar and spelling errors. Max is looking forward to improving his English while in the U.S.!


July ceremony

Some photos related to today's story, (photos and text added by Max's mom): Max after his recensement militaire

Max and jackie

With his sister, Jackie, after one of their first grape harvests. Ten years later and they are looking to escape France ("France is so old", Jackie says) --for the excitement of America! 


With his lovely girlfriend, Mathilde. She's from La Ciotat. They met in high school.


That haircut! (Earlier, while editing this blog post, I took a break and gave Max a trim after he requested some help.  It was the first time I've ever used a tondeuse or shaver. (photo of Max helping his Dad buy my birthday present: the little grapefruit tree came with one fruit... and produced one more fruit this year. Sorry to go off topic.)

Max and me

The photo my son uses for his Facebook banner. 

See you next time and many thanks for keeping Max in mind. If you know of any tips for Portland, please include them here in the comments section.

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For more online reading: The Lost Gardens: A Story of Two Vineyards and a Sobriety


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Audrey Wilson

My niece lives in Portland . Let me contact her to see if she can help at all.

Leslie M. Ficcaglia

What fun to read your post, Max! Your English is quite good and will get better during your stay in Portland. Here's hoping that someone reading your mom's blog will have a place for you. We would take you in a minute if we were in Portland, especially after such a charming introduction!


Max, good luck with your internship and finding yourself a place to live. I love Smith Tea :-) There is a French bakery café in Chicago, La Fournette, that serves Smith Tea. I bought some for myself to drink at home and some for my son! It's very good tea.

That was a lovely introduction!

Sandy Howell in Central Illinois

pam rose

If you were coming to Cincinnati, I would be happy to house you. I work in the language department at a university in Cincinnati. Wish I would have been so fortunate to study abroad when I was your age. I've been lucky enough to visit France and I love it. I've tried to learn the language a little bit but it's hard for an old dog to learn new tricks. Good Luck in Portland.


Wonderful post Max, wish you were coming to Columbus, Ohio.
Best of luck with your adventure.

Bert Pigg

Bonjour Max:

For an interesting and entertaining introduction to Portland's hipster scene, read "The Mission of the Sacred Heart" by Randy Blazak. It's an easy read and a lot of fun, set in the area of town in which you'll be staying. Best of luck! Bert Pigg

Karen VanDyk

Such a delightful post, Max! And I'm impressed by your English :) I wish you were coming to my city for I have a great place to stay and would be delighted to have you. Whoever gets the pleasure of being your host will be very lucky!!!


Max: Portland has the best light rail system in the U.S. and its bus system is very good, too. Wine production, esp. Pinot Noir & Gris, is extensive South of Portland. Very hip, cool place, indeed. Superb brewery scene. Best wishes. Le Flaneur du Monde.

Julie Farrar

I agree. The metro system in Portland is excellent. I don't know if they've set up a bike rental system like other cities, though. If I lived there, I'd clear space for Max in a minute. He will definitely want to bring his hiking boots because -- even if he doesn't like to hike now -- someone will probably try to take him out into the mountains to see the beauty up close. Bonne chance, Max!

Jeanne in Oregon

I wish I could help. I grew up in NW Portland, just a few blocks from where he is looking for a space, but I now live many miles out of town. That area used to be single family homes, working class people, semi-industrial area, but it has greatly changed over the decades. It is now a trendy (and somewhat expensive) area, a great many young people and diversity, multi-unit housing, etc. Lots of restaurants, shops, etc., and very near a large hospital. Also, I am an avid tea drinker, but have never heard of Smith Tea, so they clearly need some help in the area of promotion. What an adventure.

Susan Gentry

Max is going to the best city in the U..S.A. We lived there for twelve years, the transportation system is excellent, the food great and the people very friendly. It does rain rather a lot!
Best of luck for the summer, Max

Heather in Arles

Salut, Max et bravo! You will have an amazing time once you get there. Of all of the places that you could have gone for your stage, Portland is one of the coolest in the States. I will forward this on to the one person I know that lives there just in case. Bonne chance...

Susan Dautel

Nicely done, Max, and a good start to your internship by promoting your new employer's product! All your mother's readers will now check out Smith Tea! If you were coming to Albany, New York, I'd be happy to house you--look at all the offers you now have to visit different parts of the U.S.! Have a wonderful time in Portland--something tells me you will charm a lot of people!

Bruce in Northwest Connecticut

Max —

Portland is a wonderful little city, and there are lots of ways of getting around without a car. Have a great time!

Marcy Alexander

What a delightful post! If you ever get an intern in Atlanta, Max, and don't mind driving in to the city, you and your family and friends, would be more than welcome to stay with us. My 23 year old son works at Emory University so commutes daily - but we have a large rambling old rock house, with requisite dogs and one cat. You would be more than welcome!


Bonne chance, Max! I wish I lived in Portland - I'd make a space for you and all your visitors. If you ever visit the Washington, DC area you are most welcome in our home. I'll even drive you to and from the nearest Metro station. Tiens-nous au courant!


I live in Portland...on Thurman Street. Let me see what's available. When do you plan to be here?

Chris Allin

Well done, Max! Your command of the English language should serve you well while you are in the United States. And yes, I too have already checked out Smith Tea!

A thought for you for housing. It might be worth inquiring about staying in the University of Portland residential housing. Some universities will rent out empty dorm spaces during the summer. Based on what has been said about bus and rail transit in the city, it seems it could get you from a place of residence on the university campus to your workplace fairly easily.
Since your endeavor is as a student, maybe the university has some sort of support system for such situations.

If you are like your dad, I am sure you will be able to come up with a very creative solution! Best of luck on your adventure....

Virginia Kairys

Bravo Max. Congratulations on your internship. Sounds like great experience. Thanks for your post! Do come and stay with us in Toronto if you end up here in your travels.
All best wishes,

Linda V

Love the introduction and your English is beyond good. Sounds like you will do well in Portland and whatever else you plan to do. Good luck from Texas!

Kristine, Dallas

Well done Max! I would house you if you were doing an internship in Dallas! Alas, you are not. Best of luck in Portland.

Lanier Cordell

Very good, Max. You have been blessed with some of your maman's lovely writing ability. You did an excellent job translating. Far better than I would do translating this into French. If my house was in Portkand, I'd be able to help you. I have a garage apartment. Perhaps you will find another opportunity to intern in Lafayette, Louisiana. You would have a nice place to stay in the heart of French speaking Louisiana. Although it is a colloquial French and may be difficult to understand.

phyllis Morton

Very good, Max. Hope the U>S> is what you expect it to be.

Cynthia Lewis

Best of luck, Max ! I enjoyed reading your letter; you did very well with the translation. I wish I could offer you a "roof over your head", however, we live on the east coast in a small town. ... wishing you a most interesting and enjoyable June and July in Portland!

Frank Levin

We live in Hood River, a hour drive east up the Columbia River. Although we can't help you with Portland housing we can offer you our guest room if you would like to visit the windsurfing and kite boarding capital of the planet. We met your parents on the first Rouge-Bleu wine tour and still have a bottle of Your father's first vintage aging in our wine closet. You would be a welcome visitor.

Sue Lennox

Max! What fun and exciting for you! If you want to stretch your area a bit for finding a place to stay, consider getting a bicycle while you are there. I understand Portland is a good place for bike commuters. Bon chance!

Kathy Mattern

Bravo, Max! ton anglais n'est pas du tout terrible, et bien sur l'experience a Portland va etre extra ordinaire! Bonne chance!


Dear Max,

Bravo! Your English is great!

If only I lived in Portland, I would certainly take you in (of course, you would be required to do your own laundry! haha)
However, I live in Gilbert, Arizona. But if you find yourself in the area, please do let me know! I have a private guest house to accommodate you!

Best wishes for your adventures in Portland!



He is a good looking boy. With his French accent and good looks, the girls will be all over him here. I hope he finds housing. On another note, our hearts go out to all in France after the terrible actof terrorism in Paris today.

Lin Powell

Such a good idea to have Max post today. It sounds like he has lots of offers for accommodations if he expects to do any additional travels when he is in the states. I hope something shows up for him in Portland...with lots of followers perhaps someone will forward it to someone and he will find a great place to stay.

Kathleen from Connecticut

Thank you Max for your introduction. It was well written and plugging Smith Tea was a good idea. I am sure that through this blog,you will find a place to stay. If ever in Connecticut,you and your family are always welcome to stay with us. Bonne chance.


Meg black-smith

Max, great post. I really enjoyed reading it, trying to figure out the French before I read the translation. I did not do as well as you, of course. Your English is quite good and will only improve living in Portland. Portland is a great city and you will enjoy it. Have never tried Smith Tea, but I shall. Good luck finding the perfect place.

Bruce Lane

Hi Kristi, We were in Portland overnight in November and used the tram from the SE to the NW. Bicycles are a major mode of transportation with lots of dedicated bike routes. Max might try the student housing registry at the area universities. They are usually not in session during the summer. Vinopolis on Glisan has carried Domaine Rouge Bleu wines in the past, perhaps they are a connection in Portland. All the best, Bruce in Procter

Eileen deCamp

Hi Kristi and Max!
Great and I love your story Max! Bravo on the English version! I like your self deprecating humor! :-) Smith Tea will be happy to have you! I wish you all the best in Portland! I was there last October for a conference and it is a beautiful part of the U.S. Love all the photos…especially the one of you and your Mom! Bonne chance on your adventure! Maybe you will write a blog about your time in Portland! :-)


Bravo, Max. I enjoyed reading your introduction in French and your English translation. I'm not familiar with Smith Yea but I will try to fix no some when I visit the US next month. Good luck finding a place to stay. Enjoy your internship and your time in the lovely city of Portland.


Well I can see your English is better than mine. Or perhaps I just can't type. Nonetheless I will try to find some Smith Tea on my visit.

Robert Carlson

Your command of English is quite good, Max! I live across the river from Portland, in Vancouver. I do have a spare bedroom (shared bath) you could use, I had two girls, university students, from Poland stay with us last year and it was great fun. However, I am quite a commute from the city center, bus and rail, probably 90 minutes. I would suggest contacting our local chapter of the Alliance Francaise, they have a weekly newsletter and have helped young students find housing by advertising in it. Also, here is an informational guide to Portland: http://lepetitdebrouillardportland.blogspot.com/ I wish you best of luck!

Bob Dingethal

Mon nom est Bob Dingethal,j'habite a Washington,a quelque kilometres de Portland. Je parle un peu le francais, mais pas tres bien. J'ai deux fils, Max qui est 22 ans, et Sam qui est 20. Ils seraient heureux des vous montres autor de Portland. Ma famille et j'ai vecu in Holland pour trois ans et pas mal voyage en France. Nous aimon La France!Nous avon recontre vos parents quand ils sont venus a' Portland pour presenter leurs vins, nous avon aussi eu un vignoble pour vingt ans.Nous serions heureuxde vous aider a faire de votre sejour a Portland aussi agreable que possible.

Carolyn Curtis

Hi Max, I also endorse contacting the Alliance Francaise of Portland, and local colleges and Universities for accommodation. There are probably Auberges de Jeunesses (Youth Hostels)where you can get a room and have a shared kitchen, showers, laundry etc. Also you will meet many other young people. I live in Seattle - 3 hours north. It is a great city to visit when you have a couple of days free. Be sure to Google Bolt Bus, which is a fast and cheap way to travel between the two cities. Bonne Chance!

Barry from Alabama

Hello Max!

Congratulations on your planned trip to America. As an International Marketing Major, you will surely benefit from: travel, work, and play in another country. This will open you mind to how others conduct business as well as live their lives. I think of General Motors (Chevrolet) not being sensitive to the target market of their product, and trying to sell a car named Nova to Mexico. Nova in Spanish means "no go". Epic marketing failure. Kudos to promoting Smith Tea in your write up. You sound like a marketing Vice President in the making.


Mim (Richmond, VA)

Bravo! I wish we lived in Portland so we could be helpful to you. With Kristi's readership, you can hopefully find someplace. Best of wishes to you.

Joy A. Beebe

Hi Max,
Congratulations on your achievements so far and for pursuing your dream.
I live in Salem, Oregon, fifty miles south of Portland, which makes it too far to commute comfortably.
However, I would like to invite you for a weekend, or more to visit Salem, the capitol city of Oregon.Though I am old enough to be your grandma, I do speak some french and belong to a french speaking group that meets often. It would be an honor to have you, I have hosted a french student in the past and we enjoyed visiting all the local points of interest.
E-mail me and I will give more information.
A bientôt.
Joy A. Beebe

Diane Heinecke

Max, you did a fine job on your letter. Everybody you meet in Portland will love you. You're smart, handsome, and will have that sexy French accent. You'd better tell everyone you already have a girlfriend!! I hope someone in Portland can find a small place for you. We live in the opposite corner of the U.S., in Georgia. Otherwise we'd do our part. Good luck!

Alan G.

Bonjour Max,
I am sure you will love Portland, as I have lived here all my life. Please contact the Alliance Francaise, and submit your request. They have a very good email newsletter that goes out frequently: afportland.org. Note, the University of Portland would be a difficult commute. Getting a bicycle is a great idea.

Diane Young

Max, you did a great job with your English. How exciting to be 19 and taking this great adventure aux Etats-unis. Looks like you have some good suggestions for a place to stay, etc. We all wish you a wonderful experience and look forward to hearing all about it. Good luck. Now I must look to find Smith Tea!

Gail and Fred Accuardi

Well, here is a early welcome to Portland, June and July are good months to be in this lovely city.
We have a two bedroom, two bath condo just off 23rd, is within walking distance to Thurman and only three blocks from light rail which gets you anywhere in Portland .
We have a farm at the ountai, Mt. Hood and we fish out of Il Walco, having a cottage in Oysterville Wash. so we are not in the city during the months of June and July. 'Also, I just found out, your family has a connection with Gino's restaurant that my son and daughter in law own They buy wine fro Chris Davis. Small world. G.Accuardi

catharine ewart-touzot

well done Max..wish I could help but I am across the country..seems you have several offers from which to choose..have a good time!

Kristine Moore

I have forwarded your blog on to a dear friend in Portland. Her neighbors are from Pais, perhaps they can help!

Sandra L Vichery

Hi Max, I think you did very well with your English translation, a few spelling errors are no big deal if you ask me! The very best of luck to you in Portland, I'm sure you will do great and make your parents very proud!
I look forward to hearing about your American Adventure!

Susan Strick

max, you will surely want to make a side trip to Seattle while in this region -- n'est-ce pas? if so, please email me and stay chez nous for a couple days!
[email protected]

Bruce Taylor

Portland has it all - wonderful light transit, great restaurants and coffee houses, jazz and the blues everywhere. You'll love it. Good luck with the whole program. Sorry, we'll be in France while you are in our part of the world (200 miles south of us)

joie in carmel-by-the-sea

Your English is great and it looks like you are easily going to find a place to stay. I lived there many years ago and it is a young , vibrant city I think you will enjoy.
I do have a Swiss friends son who lives there now and is going to school. I know he will be gone part of June and July....let me check on whether or not he is giving up his place for good. Will get back to you.

Faye, Gleneden Beach, Oregon

Congrats Max! I live on the coast of Oregon. I have taken classes at the Alliance Francaise in Portland --- they are wonderful and always trying to help out students. I would contact them -- and maybe do a part time internship? Good Luck!


Oh my Max, you are going to the grooviest city in America!! Love PDX, lived there for 6 years and met the best people ever. The MAX light-rail system is excellent and the city is completely walkable.
ALLIANCE FRANCAISE [email protected]
You are going to have an amazing time whilst living there. Do get up to SEA as well for some extra Pacific Northwest flavor.


Bonne chance, Max! Portland is wonderful. Here's a comment on the two most common mistakes that French people make in speaking English: Most English speakers do not use the present progressive tense ( I am speaking, I am traveling) unless they mean "I am in the act of" (en train de) doing something. Yet almost every French speaker of English that I meet uses this unusual present tense all the time. Someone must teach them that mistake. The other mistake is the confusion of agree/accept (false friends in French/English). One agrees to do something; one does not accept to do something. Subtle but important if you want to speak English well--or sound like you do!

Dawn, Beavercreek, Ohio

I love it, Max! Great post and great opportunity for you next summer. We've hosted several French students for their 'stage' - I wish you were coming to Ohio as we would love to have you. But I hear Portland is amazing! You might try the Air BnB website as people often list rooms to rent for extended times at reasonable rates. I wish you a valuable and enjoyable experience (and I'll definitely be checking out Smith Tea! :)

Lisa Brock

Portland has a very vibrant French community and lots of French resources and connections. I'm the former President of the Board at the Alliance Francaise here in Portland. I'm forwarding your blog to the current Director so they can get the word out for you as well. Even after you've found a place to land, you may want to reach out to them for support. We have some great French bakeries including one owned by a real MOF. The public transit is one of the best in the country so getting around town won't be a problem at all. I would also recommend that you reach out to the Alliance directly as they have LOTs of connections of people with the ability to help with housing. www.afportland.org. Bonne Chance et Bienvenue a Portland!!


Thanks Max on a great introduction and well done Kristi on raising such a lovely son. Unfortunately we are even further away in Sydney Australia, however after reading all the other posts, I would now like to visit Portland. Sounds fantastic.
All the best for your internship Max and try not to miss him too much Kristi.

Trina, St. Petersburg, Florida, USA

Congratulations Max!

By the way, Portland had one of the 1st free community bike sharing programs in the US. I do not know if that still exists, but from a friend who lived there while in culinary school, I hear it is still one of the few US cities that is not car dependent.


Audrey Wilson

Max &Kristin,
My niece ,Rachel Sherrard ,who lives in Portland is happy to help Max . Let me know if I can help any more ; You have my email address I think? I tried to send a message on FB,but no luck !

Mary Jo

My French son-in-law lives in Oregon. (Not Portland) He may be able to help you. At least he would be a good "french speaking" contact. You could e-mail me for his information


Bonne chance à Portland Max.
Il m'est impossible de laisser passer la 'typo' en Français: recommandé de resté aux alentours = rester aux alentours. :)

Portland is great enough to have spawned a comedy series I have had the pleasure to view on Auntie ABCtv (aussie affectionnate term for our free-to-air, tax-funded channel). It's called Portlandia and is lots of fun (IMHO)!
When visiting the seafront in Portland Victoria (Australia) I saw a sign to Portland Oregon; some 13000 kms away. That was enough for me to want to go there too.
Vive le bilinguisme!


Bonjour Max! I live in Portland and look forward to your mother's newsletters. I live in Portland and take French classes at the Alliance Francaise de Portland: http://www.afportland.org/ The Alliance of Portland is the 8th largest in the US - a testament to the interest in French language and culture in our city.

The Alliance sends out a newsletter to their students, members and supporters every month (sometimes twice/month). They frequently post notices such as yours to their members - connecting people who are able to host French visitors in Portland. I highly recommend you contact them and I feel certain you will find the loge, nourri et blanchi que vous cherchez. Bon chance et felicitations pour votre stage a Smith Teas! Kate

Georgia from Northern CA

To Max, I offer my Congratulations on your internship! I join the chorus of other responders in saying that "I Love Portland"! I think it is the best little big city you can find and people are friendly, too! I also happen to love tea! Perhaps Max would name some of his favorites to us upon his return? I am sorry I do not have any contacts there but wish you every success with your endeavors!

And to Kristin, your family and all the lovely citizens of France, I send my sympathy for the loss of your fellow countrymen today in Paris. It is a tragic loss and my condolences go to the victims' families and loved ones. Paris may be miles and miles away but it does affect us all.

Shannon, Alexandria, VA

Bravo, Max. Well-written post...I know it's not easy!

It looks like you have several options available to you for Portland. I'm sure your mom is relieved. ;)

I support the recommendations for the AFdePortland, checking out AirBnB, and biking if possible.

Something you might consider that I haven't seen mentioned on here is checking out craigslist!! (http://portland.craigslist.org/) Often, you can find housing/shared housing for rent, and even bicycles for sale!! At least for acquiring a bike, if you wanted to, you could use the wonderful internet to communicate with the seller, have one of your mama's French readership friends check it out for you, and then pay the seller via PayPal. Just an idea.

Also, once you get state side, you can find reasonably priced, used furniture for sale to furnish your nice temporary abode.

Bon courage et bon voyage!! :) I'm sure you'll make memories to last a life time. :)

Shannon, Alexandria, VA

Correction - http://portland.craigslist.org/

Diana Milock

Hi, Max. I have a condo in Portland in the Pearl District within walking distance of The Smith Tea company. I live in Michigan but I go there to try new teas when I am in town. If you would like to stay there, please let me know and I'm sure we can work something out. I may even be there at the time. My son lives in Portland and can be very helpful, also, The streetcar stops at the corner next to our building.


I live about 10 miles outside of Portland (Lake Oswego) without access to public transportation, alas, or else I'd I'd offer a room too) but I am thrilled both that you are able to come to Portland for the summer (June may be rainy but we joke that summer begins on the 5th of July, and Oregon is truly beautiful in the summer) AND by the amazing responses that have been made today on this site. What a fabulous and generous community of learners and Francophiles! I hope you enjoy Portland as much as those of us who live in or near it do- I think Papa, Maman as well as Jackie need to come visit while you're here. Great wine producers in the Willamette Valley as well as tea purveyors (and Steve Smith of Smith Tea is the same guy who started Tazo Tea I believe).

Lauren Walchli

How wonderful that you are coming to Portland! It is lovely. My husband, son and I live in Hillsboro, about 50 minutes commute by Max Train (yes, our rapid transit system is called The Max) from where you will be staying, and we only have a spare guest bedroom, not a separate apartment, so it does not sound like what you are looking for. But please do feel free to contact me at my email address when you are here, as we would love to introduce you to some locals and recommend the great places in Oregon to visit! I was an exchange student in Angers for about four months when I was in college (a good 10 years ago), and absolutely loved it. (Plus I have been following Kristen's blog for years now.) Best of luck to you!

Kristin Espinasse

Thank you all so much for these thoughtful ideas and offers! In our haste to post Maxs story, we forgot to mention that Max does not expect anyone to do his laundry, to cook for him, or to offer free rent! Merci encore, and we will be in contact with some of you soon :-)


Hi Max. I agree with Kate. The Alliance Francais is the perfect place to find a place to stay for a couple of months (if nothing works out here). I live about 30 minutes west of Portland, in wine country, but I have two children in college in Portland: a daughter 21 and a son 18. While you're here you may want to see the town from their eyes! They have been to France a few times and love it. Let me know and I'd be happy to connect you. Also, if you'd like to get out of Portland for a weekend, we'd be happy to have you stay with us! Bon Voyage!


Portland has the best mass transit system in the States. I always use it. Never a car. Enjoy Portland. It's beautiful!

Russ Norris

I am so glad you will have an opportunity to work in the US. Portland is one of my favorite cities on the planet and I know that you will feel at home there.

Too bad you are not coming to Cincinnati. We have a very large house with a pool that you could call home with plenty of room for your friends to visit.
Keep us in mind for the future if you have an opportunity in Cincinnati. All the best to you and best wishes for your success. We love your mom's blog--c'est le clou de ma journee.
Russ Norris

Jay R and Cathy G

Max -
We would suggest a contact at the French International school can likely help you.
My wife and I have a son, now 27, who has traveled worldwide. He is a polyglot - and native fluent in all the Euro languages.

We have also spent much time in the Northern Euro countries - mostly Germany and the Netherlands. And the wife has stayed in the Provence region.

We host - but at our home in Astoria, on the Oregon coast. https://goo.gl/maps/X1Ng9

You are welcome to stay with us for a break from Portland. Write to us -

Bon Voyage. Jay and Cathy

Dorian Nickells

Hi Max. My daughter and husband live in a lovely area of Portland, close to lots of transit opportunities, and may be quite amenable to some kind of boarding arrangement, as they own a couple of homes which they renovate or rent. My daughter, who is (english) Canadian, is a graduate of French Immersion schooling, and has often regretted the lack of opportunity to keep up her french language skills. Perhaps a good arrangement can be made?

Geraldine Ventura

Congratulations ,Max, on getting an internship in Portland. Had you thought about asking the person in HR at Smith Tea if he/she has any suggestions for housing? My grandson had an internship last summer and they recommended an apartment to him. Also think the Alliance Francaise is a good suggestion.

Faye in Lafayette,  La.

Good work, Max! I have no doubt you will find the perfect place!

My thoughts & prayers are w/ everyone in your country today, especially those who are directly affected by this horrendous act of terror.


Hi max!
It was great reading your article translated in English.
Très bien!
I could connect well as I am learning French so the traduire was of great help!
I enjoyed reading in French as well.
I am having a tough time choosing between passe compose and imparfait in my lessons!!!

My heart goes out to your nation in this hour of grief.

Bon courage pour trouver l' appartment!

Julie Joachims

Hello Kristi and Max!

I am happy to hear you are coming to Portland Max!

I live far enough away from NW Portland that it is a very long commute by bus, so don't think I would be a good option for him to stay, plus I just rented out my upstairs. However, Max, send me a facebook request and I will give you my contact information and I will happily be a contact for you while you are here, and help you however I can.
I love showing Portland off to visitors, so maybe we can talk about fun things for you to do while you are here. I can send you some links to my tv show that you can watch before you come and get ideas of things you would like to see. Lots of music and art!
Most of my friends are musicians, and there are so many outdoor music festivals in the summer, so you will always have something to do.
There is another wonderful tea company in town too, right down the street from my house, Stash Tea, and they have a lovely store at the warehouse, maybe you should see it just to compare.
You are welcome to come visit on the weekends, and I would also be happy to take you for some drives to see some scenery. The Columbia River Gorge, with multnomah falls and other waterfalls are one of my favorite things to take visitors to do.

Here is a link to a Portland episode of one of my shows.

Talk to you soon!




Be sure to sign up for the Clear Creek Distillery tour located in Portland. Their Pear Brandy beats Poire William hands down.

Marianne Rankin

Hi, Max, I was pleased to read your post. Bear in mind that it is an airplane "ticket", not a "bill". Otherwise, very well done. I hope that while you are in the USA you might write a couple of posts on French-Word-A-Day so we can read how things are going with you.

I'm sorry I don't live near Portland, or know anyone who does. It appears that you have plenty of possibilities to investigate from what others have written.

If you get to the D.C. area, I would be pleased to have you as a guest and show you some of the sights.

Best of luck!

stuart J

The french expression sounds similar to thr British one of "living the life of Riley". That is to say having all your needs generously catered for. Who Riley was has been lost in the midst of time. Is the phrase used out side the UK.


I have to laugh at all of you suggesting the breweries, distilleries, and wineries! You have forgotten, we are in the USA! The drinking age is 21 (at least in public). Good luck Max! Next time try Washington DC and I could have helped!

Kelly in Chicago

How exciting! Have you guys watched Portlandia? You may enjoy it as you prepare for this adventure. It can be a pretty funny show.

bette J

bonjour max!
how fabulous to have this opportunity ahead! You will have a MOST enjoyable time in a wonderful city. I lived there just 4 weeks while attending a floral design school last fall. I experienced all of the cafes of "Petite Provence" there. J'adore those! sorry, I digressed. good luck to you and safe travels to you. Tell your mom that she is. one. amazing. gal.

Devra Long

Forgive me for being so late to respond; enjoyed your letter so much and I got excited when I read that you will be at Smith Tea Co! I just discovered them last October when we were visiting in Portland and love their tea1 I do have family and friends in Portland so please let me know if you still are looking for a place! My nephew Scott Snyder is the chef/owner of a restaurant in Portland called Levant. If you get a chance, please go there (tell him you are my friend). Wishing you a wonderful adventure!

Vailey Oehlke

Hello Max. I've been slogging through my holiday back up of email and ran across your post which was forwarded to me by a friend. I live in Portland (North) in a house I just recently purchased. I don't have a separate guest house but I do have a lot of extra space and would be happy to discuss with you (via email) the possibility of putting you up this summer. If your are still looking and this is of interest, please send me an email. In any case, you will love Portland. What a wonderful adventure!

Kristin Espinasse

Thank you all very much for your help in finding a place for Max. Ca y est! He will be staying at Gail and Freds. We are deligjted and so thankful! 

If you have any other tips--what to see and do in Portland (or in the area)--please include them here in the comments. Much appreciated!

Deb in Baltimore

Congratulations Max! Portland is a most wonderful place, especially in the summer. Having lived in Portland for 13 years, I wouldn't be quite so localized in looking for a place to live. Public transportation and the bicycle make it easy to commute from many neighborhoods. I did just read in Sunset magazine (Feb issue) that Smith is moving to SE Washington, opening up many other areas to live. If I still lived in Portland, I'd be more than happy to host you--you'd feel right at home with our 2 golden retrievers. Good luck with your internship; I hope you get to enjoy all the Northwest has to offer!

Top 5 Must Do's, all worth the cost of a couple weekend car rentals:
1. Mt St Helens
2. Cannon Beach
3. Willamette Valley wine tasting
4. Portland's Japanese Garden
5. The loop around Mt Hood with stops along to Gorge to see the waterfalls.

Daryl Youner

Je n'ai jamais été à Portland, mais j'ai eu un étudiant qui habitait là. Il m'a dit que la ville est très belle. Mieux voeux!!!
Daryl in St. Louis MO.


I live in Portland. In fact, I live in NW Portland very near NW Thurman. If you need any advice about our fair city, a tour guide, an introduction to other francophones, etc. I'd be happy to help.

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