> Jules's Pear : currently on auction!

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Cartes Postales, Pear, Chair, Coco, and Braise-Sur-Terre

Cartes Postales, Pear, Chair, Coco, and Braise-Sur-Terre

Yahoo: it is 4:21 pm and Evelyn's* $110 bid just came in!

As I wait anxiously for the next bid (will there be another?), here's another photo vignette: this is our entry and kitchen. My brother-in-law, Jacques, made the curved wall, behind which is a nifty pantry. He filled it with shelves a few weeks ago, after he figured out we'd never get around to doing it ourselves....

Thats Braise and Coco, who spend their time warming the floor tiles (the latter, we found while renovating the house. They were made in 1698!) And that, there, is a fireplace chair (it might also be a nursing chair. Now I am having doubts....)

PS: I got that postcard stand at the "puces" or fleamarket. Most of the photos date from before the time that digital photography became so popular (sadly, we never print photos anymore!)

I forgot to point out the "keyboard". Do you remember the story that goes with it?

